The Convention on Wetlands of International Importance, called the Ramsar Convention, is the intergovernmental treaty that provides the framework for the conservation and wise use of wetlands and their resources. There are currently over 2,200 Ramsar Sites around the world. They cover over 2.1 million square kilometres. Parties continue to designate wetlands for inclusion in the List. They select suitable wetlands for designation by referring to the Criteria for identifying Wetlands of International Importance. You can access Site summaries by country in the country profiles or search for Sites by country, wetland type and other criteria in the Ramsar Sites Information Service database.
The Wetlands On The Air (WOTA) award is dedicated to the 10th Anniversary of the European PSK Club. It has been sponsored by Radioarena UK Ltd and devised by the European PSK Club on 1st May, 2016 for two-way PSK contacts with amateur radio stations working from various Wetlands of International Importance (The Ramsar List). Contacted expeditions (stations) don't need to be members of the European PSK Club. Contacts with a certain wetland are valid starting from the date of its designation as per the List of Wetlands of International Importance.
WOTA 25, WOTA 50, WOTA 75, WOTA 100, WOTA 125, WOTA 150, WOTA 175, WOTA 200, WOTA 225, WOTA 250, WOTA 275 and WOTA 300 awards may be claimed by any licensed radio amateur, club station or DMS/SWL eligible under the EPC Awards General Rules who can produce evidence of having contacted 25, 50, 75, 100, 125, 150, 175, 200, 225, 250, 275 and 300 current (different) Wetlands of International Importance respectively at the time of application.
Please make sure that the «COMMENT» field in your ADIF log contains the contacted station's correct wetland name exactly as listed in the list in format of #WOTA "Wetland Name" (for example – if you made a QSO with a station working from Lakes by Tata (Hungary), your ADIF comment field should be #WOTA "Lakes by Tata"). This is a mandatory requirement to make able the manager's software to check your application correctly. Please be very careful with the wetland name of the worked station - double check it before applying for the award.