HAM SWL ex Calls | Continent: | DXCC: | Search for:

[last update: 2024-04-17 18:47:05]
[XX9XX - warned for violating the award rules | XX9XX - suspended from at least one award | XX9XX - suspended from the award program | S - suspended awards]
All: 1047681   468481 167000 16269 395931
Rank Sum
Call Sign EU National
EU International
DX National
DX International
97 375 41 UA9UDC 175 65 4 131
98 374 41 M5PLY 187 61 3 123
98 374 41 OK1JIR 170 59 11 134
99 373 41 S56IPS 168 64 13 128
99 373 41 UA9CLR 173 64 8 128
99 373 41 UR8GM 172 58 8 135
100 371 41 UT5FMA 175 56 9 131
101 370 41 EK5KE 185 49 2 134
101 370 41 UA4NM 178 69 5 118
101 370 41 YU7AU 157 59 10 144
102 368 41 RK9AK 171 67 4 126
102 368 41 RU3WR 167 66 4 131
103 367 41 SV7CUD 173 62 7 125
103 367 41 UA3QJJ 173 58 8 127
103 367 41 UR8GL 163 58 8 138
104 366 40 9A1CCB 169 47 2 148
105 365 40 OK1ACF 171 56 8 130
105 365 40 UT3IB 166 55 9 135
106 364 40 ES7AM 173 59 8 124
106 364 40 LY1CZ 171 59 9 125